This is a translation of a letter that Heart in Haiti School student, Faviola, wrote to her Buddy Program sponsor.

On this day I am very content to have the power to write this letter on the subject of the discussion of my director (Shad St. Louis.) During the end of the year party my director presented a very agreeable discussion and this discussion was based on five words of success. These words are devotion, desire, dedication, determination, and discipline. For me, these words gave me the desire and also the encouragement to keep the perseverance in all that I do. My director loves to give hope and encouragement to people and help the people. I ask God to give to my director, to keep him, and also the HEART School in his hands. I hope that my director is very content with what I have said. I love my director very much. That is all that I wanted to say in my letter.
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